Real Estate

The Avenue OCTOBER 2022 Real Estate Newsletter

The Avenue DECEMBER 2022 Real Estate Newsletter

SLO County Market Update / This Relocation Nation More than 1 in 4 (26%) Americans moved to a new state in the last five years and of those that chose not to move, 63% said they considered it. The top factor motivating Americans to move is work (33%) followed by a desire to be closer to family (25%). A lower cost of living came in third with 23%. Other reasons include a simple desire to live in a new...

SOLD - Amy Daane

Congrats Amy on your closing at 411 E. Foothill Blvd.

Congrats Amy on your closing at 411 E. Foothill Blvd., #5, SLO! "I was fortunate enough to represent these first time buyers in the purchase of their first home! I am so happy for them, we were able to take advantage of the shift in the market place, and get them into a darling condo close to downtown. Next step is the wedding! Congratulations!" – Amy Daane Contact Amy with any real estate...

SOLD - Amy Daane

Congrats Amy on your closing of 777 Mutsuhito Ave, SLO

Congrats Amy on your closing of 777 Mutsuhito Ave, SLO ?"It was such a pleasure representing this beautiful home… but most importantly, it was so wonderful representing these amazing sellers! I am so happy that we were able to achieve their price even in a rapidly changing market, and the rent back was a win-win for both sides. Working with friends is the biggest compliment ever!" – Amy Daane Contact...

SOLD - 776 Ashland Ln, Nipomo, CA 93444 Jed Damschroder

?Congrats Jed Damschroder on your closing of 776 Ashland Ln, Nipomo

?? Congrats Jed Damschroder on your closing of 776 Ashland Ln, Nipomo, CA 93444! Contact Jed for any Central Coast Real Estate needs - Jed Damschroder - (805) 550 7960­ 3 bedroom, 2 bath, single story home on a half (. 47) acre lot in Nipomo. This 1,600 sq. ft. home was built in 1988. It has a 3 car garage, a shed, a utility room off of the kitchen, and an...

The Avenue NOVEMBER 2022 Newsletter

The Avenue OCTOBER 2022 Real Estate Newsletter

SLO County Market Update  / Combating Inflation with Rising Rates Given the past few years; a world-wide pandemic, skyrocketing home prices, rising fuel costs, record-breaking lumber price tags, a brand new war.... we would never dream of trying to predict what may happen with the current interest rate hikes. However, here’s what we’ve found the experts are saying. The Goal: The Fed’s...


Congrats Sacha on your closing at 1036 Ella St!

? Congrats Sacha on your latest closing at 1036 Ella Street, San Luis Obispo! ? Sold representing Seller "I feel privileged to have been able to guide my clients in the successful and seamless sale of their home, a home that was loved and held fond memories. Also such a pleasure to work with a great team of agents representing the new homeowner and a wonderful escrow team." – Sacha Steel ? CONTACT...

SOLD - Amy Daane Templeton CA

Congrats Amy Daane!? SOLD ?1110 Paseo Almendra

Congrats Amy Daane!? SOLD 1110 Paseo Almendra, Templeton, CA 93465. "It was a pleasure to represent this client for the third time… Unfortunately it was not the ideal situation for her to have to sell this ranchette, but we got the job done even with a rapidly changing market and now she is moving on to the next stage. Working with repeat clients is the very best, they truly are like family!" –...

The Avenue SEPTEMBER 2022 Real Estate Newsletter

SLO County Market Update / Electricity In The News Amid record-breaking heat waves, the news has been buzzing with policies meant to combat climate change. Whether it’s immediate flex alerts or legislation intended to go into effect over the coming years, all Californians will be feeling the heat regarding these new commitments. Electricity is seen as the key to carbon neutrality and we’ve summarized...

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