Real Estate

SOLD Mukta Naran

SOLD-Mukta Naran

“Tall” lists make me smile, and this house ticked all the boxes for these buyers. Not only did they desire “closer to town” and theirs kids’ schools, but they also needed a mother-in-law suite! It was so satisfying to find a house which met all these needs, and it’s lovely as well. When you need an agent willing to find the house the fits your list, please give me a call! Mukta Naran at The...


CA Fire Insurance #8

If your every effort at fire insurance fails, one lifeline remains. Contact the California FAIR Plan at 1-800-339-4099. While a FAIR Plan policy can be expensive, and it only covers certain losses by fire and smoke, it does provide coverage. Be aware, you will also need to buy Differences in Conditions (DIC) insurance to cover other perils such as theft and liability. We hope you’ve found these fire...

What makes the difference?

Quick Real Estate Question…

You’ll get $11,036 MORE for your home by staying in it during the selling process*, so be sure to think this through when listing your home. Local Real Estate experts, like our agents at The Avenue, help you with high value tips like these, for both buying and selling property, everywhere in San Luis Obispo county. We’d love to talk with you about your real estate plans! ° DM or call us, any time!...

CA Price Report

March 2019 Sales and Price Report

Did you know mortgage payments had the slowest growth in 32 months in March? That's good news for home buyers, and a situation unlikely to last long. If home buying is on your to do list this spring, now is the time to start shopping! Please check out all the listings in the county with the searchable data base on our website, Central Coast Property...

Highway 1

Highway 1 reopens at Paul’s Slide, widening access to Big Sur

Travelers still need to use an inland detour to reach a stretch of Highway 1 affected by road closures, but they now have access to a much longer stretch of coastline as of Tuesday. Caltrans announced in a news release that workers had blasted away the only remaining obstacle — a large boulder — and reopened the road at Paul’s Slide as of 9 a.m. Tuesday. The slide, the smaller of two major...

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