Congrats Amy Daane on the Sale of 1040 S. 14th St, Grover Beach

🏡 🌳 JUST SOLD! Congrats Amy Daane on the Sale of 1040 S. 14th St, Grover Beach

🏡 🌳 JUST SOLD! Congrats Amy Daane on the Sale of 1040 S. 14th St, Grover Beach

representing the seller.
“It was such a pleasure to work with my sellers who happen to be some old special friends. This was their parents home and as trustees, they did everything they needed to get this property ready! They were wonderful because they trusted me with what we needed to do to have the property ready, including doing landscaping, adding fresh sod and having the property professionally staged. An over asking offer the first week out of the gate!” – Amy Daane
📞Contact Amy with any real estate questions on the Central Coast: (805) 234 0621 /
Amy Bradford Daane Amy Daane at The Avenue Central Coast Realty, SLO @amydaane_realtor #theavenueslo #sanluisobispo #slorealestate #slorealtor #sanluisobispohome #SLOHomes #sanluisobisporealestate @amydaaneslo #amydaaneslo #groverbeachrealestate

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